American-Born Chinese. Originates from Chicano slang. Ross Perot, while at the 1992 NAACP convention in Nashville TN, frequently addressed his audience as "you people." Feces eating is a fetish that originated in Germany, otherwise known as scat sex or shit sex eg. Cockney rhyming slang for Coon - Silvery Moon - Silvery. Combination form of Spic and Picaninny. Originated during the Vietnam War (1960-1974) from the phrase 'Viet Cong,' shortened to V.C., which in the military phonetic alphabet is 'Victor Charles' which gets you to 'Charlie.'. See more words with the same meaning: homosexual, homosexual person. See Chiegro. It was originally cut by most Irish farmers and used as fuel (an early form of coal). Comes from the Taco Bell food. Reborn during World War II as Canada's 'defender from the Nazi menace.' Was referenced in the news recently when some white Kiwis tried to get it changed on their census forms because it was racist - "Pakeha" translates to "White pig", a reference both to what the Maoris thought of the first English settlers, and the way the same settlers tasted when eaten - salty, like the wild pigs they also ate. See: Redneck. A typical behavior of monkeys is to throw feces. The uniform was made up of tanned bottoms and dark upper clothing. ", Malu is actually short for "Maliali" which is spelled Malayalee. Refers to the Neanderthals living in caves; used by rappers. From the French habit of not appearing to bathe regularly. Not inherently derogatory. Either from monkeys or the victim of a lynching. Refrencing the belief that Southern Italians recieved darker genes from the Moore colinization of Sicily, and the similar appearence to people from the Guinea coast of Africa. Also applies to some Italians. A fish monger is a Shakespearean term for pimp, and there are many coi at Chinese restaurants, Keye Luke's protege (the young Caine) from the TV series, Kung Fu. Supposedly means blonde in northern Mexico. ", Refers to what it looks like when a Filipino woman is in a gangbang. Italian for "eggplant" - very dark black people have a purplish tint to their skin, so does eggplant. Heard often in reference to folks from southern Ohio who moved from Kentucky or West Virginia. ", Figs are white cookies; used by the infamous "Word Association" skit on Saturday Night Live with Chevy Chase and Richard Pryor, A white person that tries to be Japanese in every way. Could refer to any mixed breed. Could also refer to the Gar, a fish similar to the piranha, found in streams in the Southern US and eating by many Southern Blacks. 2) Enthusiastic Teacher:"Today we will be studying Hitler's Rise to Power" Disinterested Student "Slur" Was used as a nickname for unstable, mead-swilling Lithuanians. Comes from Glaswegians. The rugged aussie outback is full of rocks, the gins look like apes, hence the connection. When the U.S. government was clearing the West of Native Americans, they sent many black units to hunt them down. After the stereotypically Black trademark picture on "Aunt Jemima" brand breakfast foods. However, "kaek" is pronounced to rhyme with "crack. Refers to Muslim religious headdress resembling that worn by the Star Wars characters, "Ewoks.". It is considered derogatory slang. ", Henry Ford used it, reference to circumcision. Comes from "kuro" (=black color) and "bo" (casual suffix meaning young man). Pronounced "spizzz-ik-ien.". (Refers also to police men). Captain Kirk = Turk, Greek pronounciation of the Islamic name of Mehmet, Brand of deodorant. It's a racist term because when white people realize the truth, whatever pride they have in being American will be crushed. Derived from the word "monkey." 1.) One of the two black characters on the show South Park is named Token. Represents the angle of their eyes (45 degrees). Guamanian trash. Abbreviation of either "White-", "Westernised-" or "Worthy-Oriental Gentleman." Urban Dictionary Definition of S The S word is an unsuitable word that shouldn't be used because it is hurtful to persons with disabilities, as per Elthebastard. Canadian Born Chinese. to Nigger, known by all Filipinos, Comes from the apartheid racial classification for Blacks. Also BBCD - British Born Confused Desi. Derogatory, used by Indians and Pakistanis. Shawnee, Native American term for "Mud person". Kirby is a popular black bean manufacturer amongst cubans. The early colonized Africans, not knowing the meaning of the command also cultivated it into their language- using it among themselves to gather themselves to work efficiently. Black people stand by the mail box and ask the mailman, "Do 'da, do 'da welfare check come today?". Bowing of the head is required; hence a head banging motion. Play off of "incognito". Used when talking about a third(black) person you don't know. Mandarin Chinese term meaning "big demon". Advertise here for $5/day. Comes from the hunting styles of African tribal natives. However, its use parallels that of the word "nigger" in the United States. Norwegian Vikings travelled all over the world. Canberra word for bogan. Because of their dark skin, which can blend into the night, making them ghost-like. Black people are known to drink "40"oz beers. Gullah language word meaning White Trash. For white people who kowtow to Black people or racist White People. From Pinnochio's "father" Gepetto, who was Italian. Reminiscent of farm life and chickens pecking the ground when eating seed. Refrence to their love for spicy foods. Late 19th, early 20th century slur, refers to the fact that pea soup was a popular food amongst the people of Quebec. Pal is a name of rich, land owning Indians. Indicates that a person is unqualified for his/her position and received it on racial grounds. A black guy who acts white. "Your site is a pointless piece of shit that represents how ignorant you are since you can't look past a person's race. North American Ground Ape; Affectionately used by the LAPD during the Watts riot in Los Angeles. Europeans destroy every culture they encounter. Term most likely dates back to the Philippine-American War (~1900) and has been used against a wide range of peoples, usually Asians but occasionally Europeans and even the English. Used to denote the Irish, who many hold in the same regard as blacks. Many Swedes have hair so blonde that it appears silvery, Used by immigrants in Sweden about Swedes. Blacks who can't afford cars and are always seen riding bikes: (S)illy (N)iggers (O)n (B)ikes. Because Arab women are clothed from head to toe, even their faces, and they look like bee keepers. Play on "White Devil". Derived from the movie "Scarface" which stars a cuban immigrant druglord named "Tony Montana", slur usually said with a Spanish accent. Poon is a slang term for vagina. Describes the offspring of two mulattos. A white prisoner calls a black prisoner a Big Dummy Nigger. By the 1890s it was being applied to Italians--almost certainly because they tend to have darker skin than Anglo-Saxons/Germans. Similar negativity connotations as "nigger". Based on the Native American practice of scalping enemies. Similar to "Gora", Relates to the pink color of the pig's color. Poor working-class whites. Relates the colors of a person's parents to the colors of a zebra's stripes. Agents call the illegals Pollos on their service radios. Originally referring to the primarily coloured hobos who live on Table Mountain near Cape Town. Sentiment that only Wasps are born with souls, everyone else God made from mud. Assumes that "Isaac" and all of its other incarnations are common names among Jews. A caucasian, black, and asian person. Thieves in the Arab countries get their hand chopped off. Implies that all Australians are descended from the penal colonies early in Australia's western colonisation. The lead singer was black (obviously Hootie). A popular political affiliation among African Americans. Polish word for Gypsy, used officially, but Gypsies prefer to be called Roma. Tuning Out Blackness Race and Nation in the History of Puerto Rican Television. Describes White Ranchers that have sex with Sheep. Also used in the film Full Metal Jacket. Probably related to and/or another version of Pom. Was popular during the Cold War. German slur meaning "cat eater". Sinhala (Sri Lankan language) word for white. From the "Uncle Remus" (Br'er Rabbit) story. See more words with the same meaning: uncool person, jerk, asshole (general insults - list of). The first whites seen in China were sailors. When their skin gets dry it can tend to look ashy. Similar To Wigger In Some Respects. Highly influential in an original way; constituting or providing a basis for further development. Majority of Aboriginals (Abos) sniff paint from a Coca-cola bottle commonly known as chroming, Form of "cousin", all Aboriginals consider themselves to be from the same family, hence they refer to each other as "cuz". Term to describe Mexican girls who get pregnant at an early age. Related to "Pepper". The crowded, poor Jewish neighborhoods were called "Ghettoes." Famous Jew who led his people out of Egypt. which is the most noted of the pro Northern Irish independence terrorist groups. Literally means "Elephant Driver" but was turned into a popular racial slur around 1997 when a lot of Indains began to move onto Long Island. See: "kotonk", Hawaiian names starting with Kanak i.e. Before that, one of the most famous films out of India was the "Apu Trilogy.". A very dark skinned black person who is sweaty, making his skin slippery. River Nigger. Israeli, meaning discontent nature of Palestinians. It's used across northern Scandinavia, and is equivalent to calling an Inuit an 'Eskimo', An old Norwegian name for Smi that is now considered derogatory. Pronounced "s-a." Racial slur to all asians. Troops from Korea sent to Vietnam to fight on the side of the United States. Also called the Light Rail Train (LRT). Redneck kids who play in the ditches/streets. Apparently used by other United Kingdom Inhabitants. Yiddish (German origin) word for Black. See more words with the same meaning: overweight, obese, fat person. Many imply masculinity in women (e.g., "bull dyke") or effeminacy in men. Of, relating to, or having the power to originate; creative. It is often interpreted as being called part-nigger and non-white and is usually taken very offensively. Whites who act Black. (sh-var-tza) Stems from the Yiddish word schvartz, or black. Cambodian Americans. Stupid Ass White. Italian Retards Out Crusing. Because mexicans are short. A play on wetback. They have square-shaped heads like the animated character Gumby. During the late 80's and early 90's it was popular for blacks to cut their hair at an angle, forming a bevel that look similar to those pink erasers that you used in grade school. When white people sweat/get wet, they smell like wet dogs. Wetbacks have to cross a river, pinebacks deal with pine trees. Mexicans residing in the United States are used predominantly for manual labor. Derivative of word 'Plebian' maning white middle class common people. Muslim Women. No gain in performance is achieved. I GOT MY PERIOD, I'M NOT PREGUNTE! The Sleestacks were stupid, slow, and apparently very lazy. Malcolm X used this slur. Prairie nigger. A Mexican-American that has lost their heritage. Skin Color as well as referring to the Asian race as monkeys, from Vietnam. Skin color. Heard used by white southern Georgia farmers to describe blacks. Offensive because original American settlers from Europe completely misnamed them. Usually it's used by Russians, who are referring to Estonians. The members of the LGBTQ+ community have taken up social platforms like Tiktok and Twitter to announce their exclusive right of use. Some Romanians are gypsies. From Johnny Canuck, emerging in 1869 as a "younger, simpler cousin to America's Uncle Sam or Britain's John Bull." A bastardization of Achnad, a common Arab name. Could also refer to the Irish folk group "The Pogues" who did popular traditional Irish songs. Used mostly to describe unathletic blacks, who, according to stereotypes, should be naturally good at sports. In Canada, they do a dance called a jig or jigging. Black on the inside, red on the outside, just like the candy "Jafas". Mexicans are gardeners, thus always in the yard as well. After Ringo Starr of the Beatles. c slur the c slur is chink, not ching chong, ching chong is used for mocking asians . From the cereal "Captin Crunch" only the Arabian version. Often, as in the movie American History X, it is used as punishment for insubordinate blacks. Originally meaning people whose ancestors came from different parts of Catalonia, and later Spanish-speaking people that migrated into Catalonia. Spanish slang for without color, or flavorless with no substance. From Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Hungarians used to call Romanians this way, because most Romanians were primitive peasents lacking basic hygiene. The Irish-Americans called black people "Nagurs" because they could not pronounce the word "Nigger" with their accent. The term was coined by National Enquirer founder Fortune Pope, Sr. and his friend Joe Bonanno in the 50's or 60's. Usually refferred to Canyada-our 51st state. Refers to atom bombs the US dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in WWII. Another slur based on the Hispanics consumption of beans. Often not derogatory when used. From the Spanish word for "mixed". I can not remember that last time I heard jig used in a racial context, except by those asking this very question. Southern Italians. People once believed, because of their high cranium, blacks were close cousins to primates. US President Abraham Lincoln is known to have freed the slaves. Often bouncing around and moving, like kangaroos. The Indians thought they looked like buffalo. Naturally, I asked "You know, there's always someone claimng to be part Navaho, but they have no papers". "pooner" [slur] (noun): a transmasculine person with a vagina. Aboriginal tribe name. Were referred to as "G.I. Japanese equivalent to "Goyim," refers to anyone not Japanese, but especially Westerners. Common Jewish name. Refers to the shape of their heads. Refers to the fact that white people cannot dance. Mishweya for females. Means "White American Princess". Usually look more European than their Japanese counterparts, i.e., more hairy and fair skinned. Argentines refer to the poorer Bolivian immigrants who live in Argentina as "bolitas." noun a slurred utterance or sound. Known to frequently "charm" Cobra snakes. Bori is short for that. Based off the hotel heiress who represents every negative stereotype about WASP women. The only way you see them in the dark is if they open their eyes and smile. Same As Abo, Coon, Boong, Moorindachi, Pikinini. The actor who did the voice was also Black. Combination of 'Chink' and 'Nigger'. ', Hispanic/Guatemalan mix. The operation was soon abandoned in part because of outcry of Mexican-Americans who were angered by the racial profiling. Also a way to mask the word Nigger, Black female basketball players (Thanks Don Imus, you racist douchebag). Might also be acronym of SPanish, Indian, and Colored, coming from the mixed breeds that resulted from the union of Spanish colonists, Indian natives, and Black (colored) slaves. Those chicks that fake bake a lot and end up looking golden like C-3PO. Character from Rocky 4, the big dumb Neanderthal, White on the outside, but bright crimson Commie Red on the inside. When sitting on the toilet, reference to large genetalia. Female circumcision is a common practive in some Arab countries, From the practice of female circumcision in some parts of the Arab world, Arab people always ask "Is dees right, Is dees right?" Used in the place of chink when speaking to a fat chinese person, or a "chunk. Two possible origins: the dictionary definition is "A narrow opening or slit", meaning a reference to their eyes . BBC is also a major television network in Great Britain. They name their kids by throwing plates down the stairs and seeing what sound it makes. White Trailer Trash that have sex with Pigs. English rhyming slang - Mechanical digger = Nigger. menstruating. ", Tefers to white people smelling like dogs when they get wet, Whites are known by many to carry and host lice in their hair when they dont keep it clean. Refers to Buckwheat, a Black character on "The Little Rascals.". Also: Anglo, Hudson Bay + Frog. Most likely because French women don't tend to shave there arm pits and legs. Big Black Cocks. 2) A word used to convey dissatisfaction . Non Educated Delinquent. Means "barbequed" or "grilled" in Arabic, blacks for their dark skin. Refers to US troops' inability to distinguish between friend and foe on the battlefield. Children of parents who crossed the border illegally; A reference to their adulthood. Similar to "landscraper.". Refers to the Mau Mau movement in Kenya , that rose up in protest to the theft of their land by the British. See: Buddhahead. Look at one and the origin will be obvious. From Yiddish "shaine" or German "schon" meaning "beautiful". It came in response their use or Terrone for Southern Italians, Italian-Americans who act "overly Italian" with attitude and gold chains (i.e. A southern exspression that represents their burnt appearence, as well as their stereotypical love of fried chicken. (pronounced: cow-cow) Thai slang referring to whites. Comes from the same roots as "Kaffir", and is used in Slovenia as a derogatory term for anyone originating from one of the former Yugoslav republics. Stovepipes from wood-fired stoves get encrusted with black soot, hence the association. They ain't white and they ain't black, THEY'RE IN BETWEEN. Many Greeks wear their hair high on the front of their head, apparently because they use it for protection when in a fight. Used a lot during the Civil War. Used against other then Crows. They ride camels like cowboys ride horses. "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" reference. It is becoming increasingly used by the Asian Pacific American community and is not necessarily considered derogatory. Shortened and rearranged term, easier to say. From the movie Goodfellas, character Stacks Edwards, the only black character, manages to fuck up the heist. Derogatory. Could probably be used on any native peoples. The adults were called "porch monkeys," and the children were "yard apes.". It is a reference to our eating habits, used as a reply to us calling them "frogs" after their habit of eating frogs legs. ("American?" Fuck you and I hope you burn in hell you sorry son of a bitch." This word has been used since the 17th century to refer to a male Negro - no matter whether slave or not. Hawaiian surfers use this term towards novice white surfers, Literally meaning "Ghost person/guy". Pronounced "Doosss". Reference to inherent racism in US society. The jews wandered the desert for 40 years after crossing the red sea to get out of egypt, before reaching the holy-land. A child with a white mother and black father. A stereotypically black name. Stands for "white guy groupie" or "white girl groupie". Technically a term of affection but still sounds funny. A person of mixed Japanese/Caucasian descent. Similar sound to Caucasion; Implies their persuasive, scandalous actions and attitudes. Those who worked on the suez canal project would wear a uniform which had Working On Government (project) on it. LA-based gang. Also Ink Baby or Inkspot. Italian/Jewish mix. Canadians in the United States illegally. Of the same nature as "trailer trash", but referring to a poor Whites who live in the boonies. This describes the snow that piles up on the side of the street that turns black. 'S or 60 's the side of the head is required ; hence a head banging motion nature as you... The actor who did the voice was also black MY PERIOD, I & # ;! Because Arab women are clothed from head to toe, even their faces, apparently! Their accent before that, one of the most noted of the head is required ; hence a head motion... 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